Some years ago we shot some film clips, and after a whole heap of lazy months, it has all been put together in a little movie. This is the first part. Enjoy!
Etikettarkiv: Albrechts Bössor
A light in the dark
Hey there!
We are working hard to make our 10-year anniversary special for you! Last weekend one of our oranizer groups met to make candle holder replicas from Swedish finds, and this weekend we will meet to make candles! And do you know what you must do? Come to the party and see our pretty ugly candle holders. Plus have a drink. Or four.
- Messy work with clay.
- To the left: our replicas. To the right: medieval candle holders from Malmö, south Sweden
- Some of the candle holders put up to dry.
This weekend quite a few of the members of AB got together to work on our new tent. This resulted in a lot of laughs (as usual) and quite a few stitches sewn. Our aim is to have it all finished in time for Battle of WIsby this summer. Time will tell…
Have you seen our forum?
Did you know that we have a webforum? Join the discussion here!
Spring cleaning
We have made a few updates on our links page. Quite a few of the groups that we used to link to seems to be inactive and in many cases their webpages are not to be found anywhere. If you know where they have gone, or if you would like us to link to your page, please contact us. While it is indeed sad that good 14th century groups are no longer active, there are also some good news: we have added two links to Austrian groups. Check out the IG 14. Jahrhundert and the Wienische Hantwërcliute 1350!