Spring is coming, and it’s time for part 2 of our movie The journey.
Kategoriarkiv: News
The Journey, part I
Some years ago we shot some film clips, and after a whole heap of lazy months, it has all been put together in a little movie. This is the first part. Enjoy!
Dipping the wick
As part of our ongoing preparations for our 10-year-anniversary (contact us if you haven’t been invited), we have been making all kinds of stuff – candle holders for instance – and this weekend we made a whole heap of candles.
- Wicks, ready to be dipped
- About five kilos of wax on the melt
- Dritte, handling the wicks
- After a while, the wicks were getting fatter
- Dritte involved in some serious wick dipping
- Growing more tempting and juicy by the minute
- Go on boy! Dip those wicks!
- Finished candles
- Our wicks was enough for 80 of these little darlings
A light in the dark
Hey there!
We are working hard to make our 10-year anniversary special for you! Last weekend one of our oranizer groups met to make candle holder replicas from Swedish finds, and this weekend we will meet to make candles! And do you know what you must do? Come to the party and see our pretty ugly candle holders. Plus have a drink. Or four.
- Messy work with clay.
- To the left: our replicas. To the right: medieval candle holders from Malmö, south Sweden
- Some of the candle holders put up to dry.
10 long years…

We will probably have this much fun – most likely more!
This spring we celebrate 10 years as a formal association, even though we’ve been around in various forms since 2003. This, we intend to celebrate! We have already sent invitations to loads of 14th century groups and if you haven’t been invited yet, it is probably because we forgot. Contact us and we’ll see what we can do! Maybe we’ll meet at the party?
New pics – Battle of Wisby, 2016!
Some great new pics of both us and some friends. Have a look here!
New pics from Middelaldercenter!
We went to Denmark and we had a ball. Have a look at the pics from the weekend!
This weekend quite a few of the members of AB got together to work on our new tent. This resulted in a lot of laughs (as usual) and quite a few stitches sewn. Our aim is to have it all finished in time for Battle of WIsby this summer. Time will tell…
Have you seen our forum?
Did you know that we have a webforum? Join the discussion here!
Medlemsmöte, den 23-24/4
Den 23-24 april har vi medlemsmöte hemma hos Simon! Kom och hälsa på!

Johan och Johan – de såtaste av vänner