Merc of the Month, March, 2013

Under the headline Merc of the Month, we want to celebrate the genuine soldier, camp follower or generally wretched person. You can be a part of this too; just send us your picture of any unshaved, dirty, snogging, violent, filthy, vomiting, fighting, sleeping, drinking, mangy, low-down rawhide you feel fit in here. We will use your picture as we see fit. Please tell us your name so we can state it when publishing your pic.

The March issue comes a bit early I suppose, but don’t you just love this pair?

Ida and Boudica doing something unsuitable

Ida and Boudica doing something unsuitable. Photo: Sofia Stenler, 2013

The feast of Saint Staffan


A bearded Peter at our first feast of Saint Staffan, 2007

With one single exception we have had the feast of Saint Staffan every year since 2007. This December it’s time again; we will perform a mystery play regarding the martyrdom of Saint Stefanus (in Sweden known as Sankt Staffan or Staffan stalledräng), the first martyr. We will also eat tremendous amounts of pastries and sweets, and we will drink loads of hippocras. In short – it will be a blast!

How to wear 14thc headdress if you are female

Elina at the excellent blog Neulakko has been thinking about female headdress. I believe she is asking many important questions about the headwear fashion of that age; not much has been said on the details of the issue, except for Isis Sturtewagen’s tremendous work with sources of frilled headwear. Have a look at both these blogs – they are really worth the trouble!